Whilst I am decorating my dolls house it has been placed on the table in the kitchen. Obviously this is too new and wonderous a thing for my constant companion Holly to resist.
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Constant companion must be included too!
Whilst I am decorating my dolls house it has been placed on the table in the kitchen. Obviously this is too new and wonderous a thing for my constant companion Holly to resist.
I wanted to re-create a freize effect in the dolls house bedroom, so I started to have a look at what I had in the house. I had some wallpaper that I had bought for the dolls house, but had discarded as I thought the pattern was too large. After having another look at it, I decided that I could use it as a freize if I cut the design out.
I cut some pink card to fit above the wallpaper already on the wall, and then stuck the cut out motif's onto it, and this is the result.
I then pasted the card onto the wall. When the cornice and the picture rail goes up, I think it will give the desired effect.
Dolls house bedroom
I decided to concentrate on one room at a time in the dolls house. I am doing a bedroom for the lady of the house, in feminine pinks and greens. I want to be fairly true to the Victorian era, but I am not going to be too fussy about it. As long as it looks Victorianish I am happy. I don't think I would enjoy it as much if I was trying to be too strict with it. A bit of artistic licence is fine, as at the end of the day it is a dolls house not a scaled building!
The wall paper I used for this room is small pink flowers on a green background. This is actual wallpaper and not a specialist doll house scale wallpaper. Therefore it is thicker and easier to put into place. I am using a tub of border adhesive to paste it on.
Once the base paper was up, I turned my mind to the freize that would be up above the picture rail. I searched for some idea's and here are some of the ones that I found.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Head band
Crocheted beret
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Dolls House refurbishment cont...
I have sized some of the rooms inside the house, prior to wall papering. I am still not quite sure which rooms I am doing. I think we are having kitchen and scullery on the bottom. Drawing room and dining room on the next floor. Mother and fathers bedrooms on the floor above and then nursery and maids room on the top floor. This may change as I work lol.
I did manage to find this house on the internet and I can buy a basement to go with it, so I may wait to do the kitchen, we will have to wait and see.
Dolls house,
Dolls house miniatures,
Dolls House refurbishment
Well I have finally got round to asking my husband to put my dolls house onto the table so I can start decorating it after three years!
I bought this dolls house from a flea market years ago, part finished and part furnished.
It is a large house, and although it is a Georgian style house, I am planning to decorate it in Victorian style then I can cram it full of little items :)
There is some damage that needs repairing. One of the pillars outside the front door has been knocked off and unfortunately one of the windows has been broken. Also some of the stairway has been broken and will need replacing. Other than that, the house is in fairly good nick, just needs decorating.
Dolls house,
Dolls house miniatures,
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Book sculptures by Jonathon Callan
Amazing pencil sculptures
Kirsties Uni Blanket

This is my current project. It is going to be a blanket/throw for my daughter Kirstie. Kirstie does not really appreciate traditional crochet, so I tried to design something a little bit different for her. This is a free form blanket, and I will keep working back into it to get added shape, texture and dimensions. I am not sure what it will look like when it is finished, but it will definitely look different!
Festival blanket

I crocheted this blanket for Kelly for her first festival. It was the Beach Break Festival 2010. I decided on a retro style blanket in bright colours. I have told her if she fetches it back to me before Uni I will make it bigger for her. However she has packed it to go to Bestival on the Isle of Wight this week lol.
Oh Dear
I can't believe it has been so long since I posted. So much for posting something every week. I don't have any excuses for not posting other than I just didn't get around to it! However I have still been making things so I guess I have some catching up to do!
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Portrait of Zoe

I have promised Zoe my eight year old neice a portrait for a while, but I have to be in the right frame of mind to paint and for some reason I have just not felt like it. This is why I dont do portraits for commission. However I did feel bad and started it last week. Then became ill! It will be the first project I finish when I am better. Sorry Zoe
Crocheted cuff

I did manage to do some crocheting whilst ill though. This is my first attempt at freeform crocheting. I wanted to try and make something a bit more modern and appealling to youngsters other than a hat or scarf. As it was my first go at freeform its not quite the shape I wanted and will do it a bit differently next time. Also I need to get used to the fact that anything made from yarn will stretch especially when you squeeze it onto a tube of paint lol. The buttons are from my treasure chest of vintage buttons and I think they are upholstery buttons but the do the job!
So much for my companian lol

I have been ill for a while with a higher tract respirotory virus. In other words a bad chest lol. However, it has knocked me for five. Put me in bed for three days and seems to be taking forever to show any signs of letting up. Hence, not much blogging going on. Also my son and first born is moving out tomorrow which I am really not very happy about. On top of that my cat who is supposed to be my Constant companion got a scare yesterday whilst on my lap and has put a gouge about 1.5" across my right palm, really quite deep and a couple of sore but not a severe scratches on the left which is making crocheting difficult for me :(
Monday, 1 March 2010
Rasta cat

This cat really does like to feel part of the creative process. "What do you think of this colour on me?" she purrs "make me a hat out of it". Your wish is my command your majesty. One Rasta cat coming up! Thats her modelling face. Tongue stuck out to look like she has lips lol. Judging by her eyes she was not that amused haha
Really long, cool granny square scarf for art student :)

I crocheted this scarf for Kelly for Christmas. I retaught myself how to make and join granny squares whilst making it. To me it is the epitome of an 'Art Student' scarf. I purposedly used the boldest, brightest most clashing colours and made it extra, extra long. Kelly loves it. She informed me that all her fellow students love it and even her Knit lecturer commented on it. I am so glad she liked it because to be honest I was not sure of it once finished.
Who says crocheting is for old people

I get a lot of stick from my offspring for turning into a granny with all the crafting I do. This picture is of my unofficial daughter in law Kelly and I working on our Gedifra scarfs. Kelly is a 20 year old University Student studying Textiles at Manchester. I am currently showing her how to crochet and the scarf was a good starting point as by the end of it she will definately have the hang of how to hold her hook and wool lol. She thinks my crafting is amazing and apparently this blog features in her University Work log. So there someone thinks I am cool haha
My latest time waster Gedifra Scarf Net

I recently purchased a Gedifra Scarf Net. 1.5M long. The idea of this netting is that you simply weave thick wool through it to create a scarf. Ideal project if you want to get kids involved in crafting. However I didnt like the effect with the wool I was using, and ever the happy hooker I decided to crochet into it instead. I simply chained 40 for the fringe, and then chained four in the gap, did a chain under the netting and repeated till the end. Then chained forty at the other end. I am having loads of fun using all my different yarns. Great leftover stash buster. This is the result so far!
These nets are a great idea. If you want to know where to buy them comment me and I will post a link.
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Pillow made from knit machine and crochet

I finally got the hang of the knit machine. How to cast on, what tension to use and how to cast off. This is the first item that I actually made with the knitting machine. It is just a small pillow approx 8 x 8 inches. I made a length of knitting on the machine long enough to fold it into an envelope then crocheted the sides together and around the custion edge for a pretty finish. I then crocheted a little cup cake with a cherry on top and adorned it with beads to look like hundreds and thousands and applied it to the pillow. I think its very pretty, but was just a trial run and I will have a go at making a full sized cushion cover next.
Monday, 22 February 2010
My first knit machine sample lol

I eventually managed to work out how to thread the machine and what all the switches were supposed to be set to and did an open cast onto the machine. This was my first little test sample to see how the machine worked. I subsequently worked out from this test piece that I had the tension setting way too low for wool of this thickness. This piece was also open cast off.
Beanie hat fast and easy

Even though I had my new toy, I still found time to crochet something over the weekend for Kelly my sons girlfriend. A beanie hat made from chenile. Unfortunately I made it a little large as it gave a lot. So I am having this one and I have promised to make Kelly another! Wonder if she will wait as long as John did for his scarf lol
Just so she does not feel left out, I have also added a picture of my beautiful daughter Kirstie wearing the fruits of my labour!
My new toy

On Saturday whilst visiting charity shops for wool etc. John and I came accross this an Emperial Knitmaster 321. We paid a whole £7.50 for it! I couldnt wait to get it home. I have never used a knitting machine before, so Saturday evening I sat with the manual and checked that I had all the bits. I then began working out how to assemble it.
My constant companion

This is my constant crafting companion. She is constantly inquisitive. Loves nothing more than helping me with my tension whilst crocheting by hanging onto my wool with her claws as I try to work. Her name is Holly, she adopted us the week before Christmas hence her name. I found her cold and hungry showed her some kindness and she has chosen to stay with us. She is a lovely cat, but I spend a lot of time lately removing black hairs from my work. As you can see from the picture she is not choosy where she lies as long as it is near to where I am sitting!
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Crochet Flowers

I have been doing a few family portraits. I did one for my sister in laws 40th. The two pictures are of my daughter Kirstie that I did for her 18th. One is in acrylics the other I did in charcoal thats why it looks a bit smudged. I need to clean it up a bit and put fixative on it. They are huge, about 4 foot x 4 foot. I am currently working on an acrylic painting of my neice Zoe because she would like one like her mummys.
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Current projects
I have promised my niece a portrait like her mums, so I will be working on that for the next few days.
I also want to make a rag rug in the shape of a flower, so I am currently cutting the material for that.
I have also bought an old bedroom chair that needs re-caning. I have been looking up how to do it and what I need, so i am looking forward to trying that.
I still need the lights for my dollshouse, but now have all the wallpaper. I will get some pictures of the dollshouse up in the next few days.
I also have an old mirror that I want to have a go at distressing with paint effects in the Shabby Chic style. I certainly seem to keep myself busy!
I also want to make a rag rug in the shape of a flower, so I am currently cutting the material for that.
I have also bought an old bedroom chair that needs re-caning. I have been looking up how to do it and what I need, so i am looking forward to trying that.
I still need the lights for my dollshouse, but now have all the wallpaper. I will get some pictures of the dollshouse up in the next few days.
I also have an old mirror that I want to have a go at distressing with paint effects in the Shabby Chic style. I certainly seem to keep myself busy!
Crochet Projects,
Ultimate Shabby Chic cushion cover :)

After crocheting so many items over the last few months I am starting to improve at it and bought a book to help along the way called 'Finishing Techniques for Crochet' by Pauline Turner published by C&B Crafts.
Again this project was inspired by an item spotted on ebay. I see these things and think I can do that, and being ever the optomist I try!
The colours for this project were carefully selected. Dusky pinks, greens and blues with an ivory coloured background. I first crocheted the nine granny squares and joined them together. I made the back by adding to the bottom of the crocheted squares and to the top to make the cushion all in one piece forming an envelope. Then joined them at the sides using single crochet. I then went around the whole edge of the pillow in single crochet and topped it with crab stitch to make the edging. The buttons on the reverse were vintage buttons I already had. I made this piece to sell, but now cant seem to bring myself to sell it lol
Shabby Chic cupcake tea cosy

I was inspired by a cupcake tea cosy I saw on ebay and decided to have a go at making my own. This is my first attempt. The cosy looks grey in the picture but it is actually a pale blue. Both the pink and blue wool have reflective thread in their makeup so it catches the light. Even though I never use a teapot I just love it!
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